Monday 21 March 2011

Introductory Background

Throughout my life I have had a passion for drawing. As a young boy I was renowned for my doodles and sketches, teachers and classmates marveled at the characters and scenes I produced and eventually I was set on becoming an artist. Things seemed so simple back then. Today I am doing a course in Digital Design. I spend my time composing digital adverts, logos, motion videos, websites and I work with clients, helping them with their design needs. All of this is to help further my knowledge of the design industry for which I am now aspiring to become a part of. So you can imagine how working digitally involves a lot of work on computers, I spent many years learning the different skills and software of the digital world and in the process I neglected some of my core drawing skills. I would like to use this opportunity to brush up on some old skills and techniques and then incorporate these skills into my digital medium. I think these skills will prove valuable to me as a creative designer and not just as an artist. Another part of this project, will involve me looking into the influence that digital design and computers has over contemporary designers and artists, I want to see the benefits and the disadvantages this medium has brought into the industry.

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