Tuesday 22 March 2011

Existing Digital Artists - Virginie

Faerie of Arcea
Liam-Eos Avonis Elam Evir

Virginie ‘Vyrhelle’ Léonard
Oyonnax, France

1.) Could you tell me a bit about yourself as someone who works in the Digital medium?
I’ve always liked drawing.  And I’ve always enjoyed using computers. So when I discovered PhotoShop, where I could do the both at the same time, I found this to be a good way to create my art. I’ve always had proficiency with the digital element but I have been working a lot on my drawing. With digital means, I can make as many mistakes as I like and correct them with ease. Pictures and artwork I make are directly stored on a virtual system, where it is a lot easier to distribute my work on the web.

2.) Are you employed in the arts/entertainment industry? If not, do you aspire to?

I work for myself, as an independent artist.  I feel that the digital elements in industry are often used only for video games design or comic book work. There’s nothing really creative and flexible enough for me to want to work in it, I’ve never found a job that I like there.

3.) What equipment and skills are most essential in your work?

A very good computer screen! The colours are the most difficult part to manage with digital art. With a bad screen, what you create could be false and you never could have the same result on paper when you would print it. And for the skills, I think that a good digital artist must have good skills in traditional drawing or/and colouring. The digital is not half the magic if you don't have the basic drawing and colouring skills, you should never rely solely on digital application.

4.) Do you use graphic tablets in your work?

Yes, always. I can't do it with a simple mouse.

5.) What is your opinion on them? Do you think they are a useful/necessary tool to create Digital Art?

I think the tablets are not essentials if you do design, above all with vector art. But when making some raster drawing or colouring, the tablet is indispensable.

6.) What style of art do you prefer? Digital or Traditional?

I cannot say that I prefer one. They are too different and yet they are too similar. I will say that it depends on the creation I would make. For some I prefer digital and for others, traditional. As I could prefer watercolours, acrylic or pencils.

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