Thursday 24 March 2011

Existing Traditional Artists - Olivia

The Butterfly Effect
Olivia Butler-Stroud
United Kingdom

1.) Could you tell me a bit about yourself as someone who works in the Traditional medium?
I've always loved drawing, and have recently discovered new areas of art which I feel passionately about. This has led me to apply for an art foundation course. I am hoping that this will allow me to further my creative knowledge/technique as well as allow me to determine which area I wish to specialize and pursue at university.
2.) Are you employed in the arts/entertainment industry? If not, do you aspire to?
 No, but
I would love to find employment in the creative industry. I want to experiment with film, as I've recently become interested in photography, though this isn't necessarily the area I would like to go into. I'm interested in illustration and comic books, though I understand this is a difficult career choice. I'm also interested in the idea of becoming an advertisement photographer.
Doodles on the Train

 3.) What equipment and skills are most essential in your work?
Drawing - graphite pencils, a rubber and a sharpener. I hate using charcoal. Skills - a steady hand and an open mind.
4.) Do you use digital methods in some of your work? If not, have you ever considered it?
I have experimented with digital methods, but only as a hobby, not as part of my art and design course. I've used Manga Studio and Photoshop for colouring/sketching. I own a drawing tablet which makes this easier to complete.
5.) Personally, what style of art do you prefer? Do you prefer traditional means or do you think digital is the way forward?
I think it depends on the artist. Some people can produce beautiful traditional drawings, and some find digital art easier. I think traditional drawings show raw talent, though digital shows dedication and commitment.

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