Thursday 26 May 2011

End of Year Exhibition

Twenty Exhibition -
"Showcasing design work from twenty photographers and
designers from Bath Spa University."

My exhibited work!
From the 19th to the 21st of May 2011 we held our end-of-course exhibition at Milsom Place, Bath. Everyone on the course prepared work to show in a number of various ways, there were two rooms where our work was being exhibited. The larger room held the majority of the banners which we had got specially printed from ColourWorks, it also held some of the photo framed work, this room was somewhat dedicated to the Photography lot on our course. The smaller room held the rest of the photography work and much of the Interactive lot work. My own self-directed work was displayed in this room in banner form and other portfolio work was displayed on a Mac on an internet portal which had been made specifically for the Interactive members of the group.

Positive Feelings

The opening night was a huge success, an excellent turn-out and an all-round enjoyable night! There was a good feeling overall, people enjoyed the work and drinks were a hit! I was honestly surprised at how many people turned up, I was unsure of the location of our exhibition and felt that it was a little bit secluded.

Negative Feelings
Overall I had a good time but the event may have benefited from having some food/nibbles avaliable on the night. I wasn't entierely happy on the location of my banner, I felt that it could have got more coverage
and people looking at it had it been in another place, but I didn't want to complain because I
had not been down to help put up the banners in the first place!

Contribution to Exhibition

I had created two posters for advertisement of the exhibition and posted them on the Facebook exhibition group as potential choices. No-one really seemed to notice them and they weren't considered in the final selection. Perhaps I should have printed them off and shown them to the group directly, might have had more impact.

Created a banner with the others, after there was a mix-up with the banner themes, I stuck around and corrected mine whereas others had gone and left people that stayed behind to modify theirs.

I was able to help out early on the day of the exhibition opening. Assisting in monitoring the exhibition rooms, taking care of the keys and help set up an internet connection with Alex Stevenson. And later that night I continued to help out when the connection decided to stop at around 6 o'clock! We had continuous problems throughout the days of the exhibition and resorted to moving the computer to the other room of the exhibition, mooching internet connection from the local Parisiene Cafe across the way.

Was able to attend all rota shifts without problems or other commitments, taking care of the work and assisting viewers with their questions and directions.
Friday 20th May- 4:00 - 6:00 (Keyholder)
Saturday 21st May - 1:00 - 3:00

Was part of the get-out crew, spending most of the day helping with removal of equipment and general tidying up of the exhibition prior to us discontinuing our services with Milsom Place.
Sunday 22nd May - 4:00 - 6:00

Final Thoughts
I Felt that myself (and others in the interactive group) were somewhat left out of the decisions, planning. One of the Photography lecturers (Luke Salaman) had somewhat taken charge of the planning etc and he was doing these talks on a Friday (a day which some of us were unable to make.) I feel if I had been living in Bath at the time and had been affiliated better with my colleagues in the photography pathway, I would have been able to get more involved and would have had more of a say as to what are good decisions and what are bad ones. I understand that there were a lot of things to plan with a tight time schedule, but I still feel that myself and others (in the interactive pathway) were at a disadvantage and that perhaps some of the photography students had seized control of the task at hand. At times it seemed that tempers had been fuming within the photography lot and that there had been a lack of democracy at times, perhaps this was a case of there being 'too many cooks', so in that respect, this also probably hindered my chances of having more of an active involvement. Ultimately though it seemed that the event had been very successful and personally I had tried to put as much time into helping with the event as I could whilst still focussing on my coursework alongside it.

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